You Be the Judge: A Ratings Tool for Selecting the Best Solar Module

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What is the best PV module for a particular application? Is it one with the lowest cost per watt?  Ultimately, it is the amount of energy produced that is the key factor in the economics of investment recovery and profit. 

The Principal Solar Institute (PSI) has developed a tool for analyzing this key element: The PSI PV Module Rating, an energy assessment tool for comparing the Lifetime Energy Production of PV modules over a 25-year period. Using the PSI Rating, solar energy professionals can finally make easy, meaningful energy-economics comparisons of PV modules between manufacturers or within one manufacturer’s product line.

Hear Matt Thompson PhD, Executive Director of the Principal Solar Institute, and Kenneth Allen, COO of Principal Solar, Inc. and Principal Solar Institute Ratings Expert Panelist give an overview of the PSI PV Module Rating and explain how to use the ratings in financial calculations and comparisons of modules and manufacturers. Also, Steven Hegedus, PhD, scientist at the University of Delaware Institute of Energy Conversion, will present an overview of PV module field testing and performance metrics.Then discover specific applications for your business during a LIVE question-and-answer segment following the presentation.

PSI has just published a whitepaper detailing the PSI PV Module Ratings. You should download it free of charge here.