The Texas Renewable Energy Industries Association (TREIA) is a non-profit trade association established in 1984. Its members are companies, organizations, agencies and individuals involved in all of the renewable energy resources – solar, wind, biomass, geothermal and hydrokinetic. The membership includes (but is not limited to) dealers, distributors and installers of equipment, consultants, manufacturers, project development companies, power generators and marketers, design professionals, policymakers, program administrators, educators and researchers.

TREIA promotes these industries to the broader public, lobbies for positive legislative and regulatory outcomes, encourages high business standards and ethics, and facilitates the sharing of information, business opportunities and technologies among its membership and beyond.

TREIA’s stated purpose is “To promote the common business interest and to improve the business conditions of persons in Texas engaged in renewable energy industries.” TREIA currently has over 500 members.


What Happened for Solar – or not! – Duri


What Happened for Solar – or not! – During the 2011 Texas Legislative Session

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What Happened for Solar – or not! – During the 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Russel Smith, Executive Director TREIA
Russel Smith is the co-founder and executive director of Texas Renewable Energy Industries Association (TREIA). His career spans more than three decades working with governmental, educational and non-profit boards, and on state committees promoting the development of solar wind, biomass, geothermal and hydro resources. Smith is also a founding member and former executive director of the educational non-profit Texas Solar Energy Society.

TREIA’s 13 Legislative Objectives
?Encourage filing and passage of bills addressing 12 objectives ?Bills filed relating to 8 of the 12 ?Bills passed relating to 6 of the 8 objectives ?13th objective – Maintain existing tax exemptions – accomplished

TREIA’s task during session
?113 bills on TREIA’s action list ?TREIA supported sixty (60) – fifteen (15) passed, and ?opposed nine (9) – all nine were defeated

Key bills that failed to pass
? HB 2961 (Darby) – state-wide solar incentives tiered for residential, commercial, and utility-scale projects ? HB 774 (Anchia) / SB 330 (Watson) – 1,500 MW goal (RPS) for non-wind renewable energy resources by 2020 ? HB 3259 (Strama) – change 500 MW non-wind “target” in current RPS to “goal” affirming it as mandatory

Direct impact on solar market
?HB 362 (Solomons) – Solar and HOAs ?SB 981 (Carona) – Distributed Renewable Generation Third Party Ownership ?SB 1910 (Rodriguez) – Net Metering and Efficiency Programs for El Paso Electric ?HB 2077 (E. Rodriguez) – State Efficiency and Renewable Energy Finance Program for Nonprofits and Houses of Worship

Peripheral, but could have an impact
? HB 51 (Lucio III) – Efficiency & High Performance Standards for State Buildings ? HB1728 (Keffer) – Public Institutions Increased Funding Flexibility for Performance Contracting ? SB 898 (Carona) – Public Institutions Energy Use Reduction Goals Set ? SB 943 (Carona) – Electric Energy Storage Regulation ? SB 312 (Seliger) – Natural Gas & Renewables

Harmful bills defeated
?SB 1590, HB 2652, HB 3015
?Altered Chapter 313 of the Tax Code to the detriment of renewable energy project development.

Other anti-renewables efforts defeated
?Ending RPS (Goal for Renewable Energy) ?Stopping Competitive Renewable Energy Zones transmission program ?Opening definition of renewable energy technology to include non-renewable resources

Important issues defeated but kicked to interim
?Chapter 313 – Select Committee on Economic Development
?State Energy Plan

Questions and Discussion
Please enter your questions into the Chat window
Russel Smith
Executive Director, TREIA P. O. Box 10023 Austin, TX 78766 Ph.: 512-345-5446 E-mail: Web:

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